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Sheikh Zayed: Islam’s Deep Roots In Sustainable Development

Sheikh Zayed, father of the UAE, was an early adopter of environmental practices, indicating the compatibility between sustainable development and the Koran. This affinity may be one reason why Adolf Hitler (a radical 'green') had a such a robust relationship with the Islamic world during WWII. In other words, their mutual hatred of Jews may have a reason, but not the only reason for their mutual attraction.

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How The Globalism Con Game Leads To A ‘New World Order’

This article touches on some important points, but has no awareness of Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development, as the real driver behind globalization. The New World Order is aptly described by Dr. Parag Khanna (a Technocrat) in Connectography: ”We are building this global society without a global leader. Global order is no longer some-thing that can be dictated or controlled from the top down. Globalization is itself the order.”  The outcome of globalization is Scientific Dictatorship and Technocracy.

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Scientists: World Cities Should Prepare For Running Out Of Water

Another catastrophic prediction by Technocrat scientists who have no concrete evidence whatever to make their case, and yet the answer is that governments and the UN must tightly control and allocate the remaining water. If it isn't a global pandemic, global warming or global water crisis, it would be something similar.

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Science’s Never-Ending Parade Of Impending Catastrophes

It is said that when a preacher doesn't have a point to make, he must yell louder. Such is the plight of half-baked science that has no point - they must yell louder to make people think they DO have a point. It's aways the same playbook, and it is always some impending catastrophe that only they can save us from.

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United Nations: Global Partnerships Pledge Improved Coordination for Water Security

The five 'multi-stakeholder' water partnerships include a rich assortment of public-private partnerships that will give global corporations direct access to this precious resource of life. The UN predicts a 40% shortfall of water availability by 2030, even though the same amount of water has existed sine the creation of the earth. In order to insure Technocracy, shortages must be created to drive the investment.

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Paul Ehrlich’s Population Bomb Has Been Officially Defused

Malthus was short-sighted and Paul Ehrlich was a fool to apply his science of entomology (the study of insects) to human population. However, both had a mind stained by Scientism, which holds that discoverable truth is only found through science. Today's fact is that the birth rate is falling like a rock.

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