Search Results for china

The Missing Science Behind Closing Bars And Restaurants

There is no real science that justifies government closing of any business, much less all bars and restaurants and yet the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of owners have been decimated while millions of workers are added to the unemployment lines.

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Facebook’s Use Of Chinese Censors Borders On Treason

If this Facebook whistleblower had not emerged, we would never have known that the self-appointed master censor of the universe employs Chinese nationals with potential ties to the CNP. This story itself will likely be censored into oblivion. 

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Big Tech’s Censorship Is Electronic Book Burning In Real Time

Every evil revolution in history has had its book burning day to purge information detrimental to its success. Today's censorship will ultimately be viewed as that essential part of Technocracy's coup d'etat. Without knowledge and the ability to communicate freely, there can be no resistance.

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