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5G Rollout Will Unlock Smart Cities, Internet Of Everything

Urban planners intend to hardwire 5G into the fabric of smart cities in order to achieve maximum efficiency, environmental sustainability and cost savings. Sensors everywhere will collect real-time data on everything that moves or functions, providing real-time modeling with artificial intelligent algorithms.

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Scientists: Climate Change ‘Impacts Women More Than Men’

Men and women are approximately equal in population, and their fates are completely intertwined.  How can anyone come to the logical conclusion that women have the short end of the stick on climate change? Answer: They don't! UN ideologues treat men and women as different races, hoping to spur division and conflict, but they are NOT different races.

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China Providing ‘Strings Attached’ Academic Financing To Force Censorship In America

The Chinese are very clever to weaponize capital in order to achieve devious ends. In this case, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) funds selected academic institutions or projects in order to coerce them into self-censorship according to Chinese policies. Congress should block such funding.

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First Artificial Meat, Now Artificial Milk- All Without Cows

Lab-produced milk will soon become a ubiquitous part of the food chain without labeling requirements because it is already declared to be GMO-fee. However, the yeast that makes the milk proteins is tricked into doing so because of clever genetic modification. There is no guarantee that the resulting milk protein is 100% identical to a cow's milk.

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The Tyranny Of Algorithms Could Soon Rate Everything We Do

The fourth and fifth requirements of Technocracy as declared in 1934 are,  "Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used." and "Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual." [Scott, Howard et al, Technocracy Study Course, p. 232

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Christiana Figueres: Cities Can Change The Fate Of Climate Outlook

As the U.N. drives people into the cities, proposing to micro-managin them like herds of cattle, nobody challenges people like Figueres with the fact that cities are the very engines of pollution and not saviors from it. Technocrats will bend science to any degree to make their 'solutions' fit.

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