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Mythical Ozone Holes Were A Trial Run For Global Warming

Everything about the ozone issue was an exploitation and distortion of the normal. It was a trial run for the global warming greenhouse issue that was to follow. It built on a theme of extreme environmentalist claims that a dramatic change occurred and since that is not normal, it must be something humans did.

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Sustainable Development: Code For Reorganizing Human Society

It’s in every community in the nation. We hear it talked about in county commission meetings and state legislatures. It’s even used in advertising as a positive practice for food processing and auto sales. It’s used as the model for building materials, power sources and transportation polic

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World Urban Forum Commits To Global, Harmonized Definition of Cities

With a Muslim woman now in charge of UN-Habitat and the New Urban Agenda, Islam has a direct path to potentially influence every city on earth. With many Islamic nations already committed to 'green finance', or Fintech, and Sustainable Development, it is little wonder that they would try to dominate at every turn.

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Amazon Opens First Completely Automated Grocery Store

Amazon Go stores will spread throughout the continent, but shoppers had better beware that every conceivable move they make will be recorded and analyzed. This includes your mood, how long you look at an item, it you pick it up and put it back, and all other metrics of your shopping trip. Of course, they know exactly who you are because it is tied to your smart phone, and they can apply any other public data about you to your profile.

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Population Control? Sustainable Development IS The Proven Solution

Dr. Tim Ball makes an important correlation that development drives population down, not up. This was likely well-understood by the creators of Agenda 21 in 1992, when they called for a reduced global population in order to achieve Sustainable Development. In other words, the concept of population reduction is implicit in the concept of Sustainable Development.

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ICLEI Plots New Course For External Financing For Nature-Based Smart City Solutions

Essentially, ICLEI is promoting Public-Private Partnerships to finance green projects and development of Smart Cities. The fear factor to do so is a) population is still exploding and b) most people are moving to cities. Like climate change, both are wildly exaggerated.

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USA Today: Creating Clouds To Stop Global Warming Could Wreak Havoc

Geo-engineering has been happening for several years now, but USA Today is just now admitting that possibility by stating it would be more devastating to stop geo-engineering than it might be to start it in first place. What? They haven't started it yet but they are more worried about stopping? Well, of course they have already started massive geo-engineering in the West, so their timeline is just a few years off

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John Coleman: Vocal Opponent Of Global Warming Science Passes At 83

Legendary meteorologist and weather broadcasting pioneer John Coleman passed in Las Vegas at the age of 83. He was a fierce opponent of fake global warming science, which he called a 'scam' and a 'hoax'. The Al Gore's and Bill Nye's of the world will rejoice that he is dead because he won't be calling them out any longer.

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The Hill: It’s Time To Take Our Privacy Back From Tech Companies

Game on. More and more people are realizing that 'Big Tech' is totally committed to destroying privacy for every citizen, and that something must be done to stop them before it's too late. They are not going to give up easily, however, because Technocrats hate politicians.

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