Search Results for china

Mises: The Absurdity Of Covid ‘Cases’

"Casedemic" is the proper term  for second phase of the global Technocrat takeover. Death counts and hospitalizations are not rising, but increased testing with highly unreliable test kits are fanning the flames of panic as people test "positive". This is a false narrative but wildly promoted by media and Technocrat scientists alike.

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Covidean Creed: The Gospel According To Technocracy

Irreverent and cynical as it is, this parody points out that others recognize the religious nature of Technocracy that is based on Scientism, that is, that all truth about man, nature and the universe is discovered solely through science. All other traditional sources of truth such as the Bible, philosophy and logic are completely rejected.

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COVID Rethink: Should You Trust The Government With Your Life?

This is a must-read and must-share article by a rational investigator who correctly concludes, "So long as we do believe the myth, we are avoiding the responsibility to manage this virus the way intelligent societies always have." It's time for America to stop the shadow-boxing and get back to living.

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The Role Of Blockchain Currencies In ‘The Great Reset’

The World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset' is a new social contract for the entire planet and is based on Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Financing the global transformation is now solved by pouring the last of capitalism's remaining value into the new system. Then, they think, capitalism will finally be dead.

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