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Western Companies Bow To China Bullying To Censor Mentions Of Taiwan, Tibet As Separate Countries

China's repressive Technocracy is now reaching outside of its own borders to bully any corporation or travel site that refers to Taiwan, Tibet or Hong Kong as sovereign countries. Western companies are bowing down to China in full compliance. China would not get away with this except that they exert tremendous trade pressure throughout the whole planet, so non-compliance would be met with financial loss.

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Dr. Tim Ball Sets The Record Straight On The Deliberate Deception To Demonize CO2

The first use of CO2 for a political agenda was by Margaret Thatcher. She wanted to break the coal miner’s union that was holding the country to ransom and also to promote nuclear power. She used Sir John Houghton, head of the United Kingdom Meteorological Office, to produce the science. He later became the first co-chair of the IPCC.

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Warning: UN Building Geospatial Data Ecosystem To Achieve Sustainable Development Goals

Geospatial technology tracks things that move (ie, people, vehicles, etc.) in the context of why they move and for what purpose. Technocrats seek to track everything in the world, all of the time, for the purpose of command and control over those things. This is the essence of the Science of Social Engineering that Technocracy purports to implement.

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China Has Killed Cash With Ubiquitous e-Payment Systems

China, the world's biggest and most established Technocracy, has all but achieved a totally cashless state by implementing digital e-payment systems via smart phones. Coupled with ubiquitous camera surveillance and identification, China will soon have its thumb on an electronic gulag from which there is no escape, relief or appeal.

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Disruption: Store Closures Rise 200% In 2017, More Coming In 2018

This year saw some 7,000 retail stores shuttered, thanks to online shopping and in particular, Amazon; 2018 could be another banner year for closings, driving many malls to extinction as well. Most retailers are certainly not Technocrats, but Amazon is and it is intent on decimating the entire retail industry in America.

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Wired Magazine: 2018 Will Usher In The Green Cryptocurrency Revolution

Finally, the global Green Economy (aka Sustainable Development or Technocracy) has been tied directly to the development of blockchain-based 'green' cryptocurrencies. From a pro-Technocracy point of view, this makes perfect sense. Until now, financing the transformation of the global economic system has been an undeclared mystery. TN predicts that green 'assets' of the world (heritage zones, nature conservancies, etc.) will be monetized by green cryptocurrencies.

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Twisted: Wired Magazine Suggests Cannibalism With Artificially Grown Meat

Technocrats have no moral or ethical compass, so if humans are just bags of molecules and atoms, then they are no different than animals. This is the most hideous side of Technocrat thinking, and the most dangerous to the societies they are trying to engineer. Now that the discussion has started, it is just a matter of time before someone suggests recycling humans for food, aka Soylent Green.

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India Creates The Largest Biometric Database In The World

Indians are mandated to link all their financial services to the national ID card, making surveillance ubiquitous with over 1 billion already signed up. India has already been described as a Technocracy, but this will certify it. Surveillance like this, as well a similar program in China, is coming to America soon, and then it will be too late to escape. You should now see why India was the first nation to drive cash out of circulation.

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