Search Results for food

Fight Global Warming By Taxing Meat Along With Carbon And Sugar

Global Technocrat scientists have declared war on meat just like they have on fossil fuels, and they sell the idea by claiming carbon emissions will be reduced. The meat reduction argument has apparently been successfully hung upon the Paris Climate Agreement and now investors are climbing on board with the idea.

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Silicon Valley Techs Turns to Eastern Mysticism To Sooth Their Troubled Consciences

Deep down, Technocrats know that they are sending humanity into a gulag of Scientific Dictatorship, and as a result, their conscience is pained. However, instead of turning to orthodox solutions like counseling, ethical discussion or traditional Western religion, they are turning to Eastern mysticism for answers. They get naked, practice mindfulness and chakra meditation, and meet their 'inner net'. 

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Robots Could Kill 73 Million U.S. Jobs By 2030, 800 Million Globally

The Technocrat inventors behind this anti-human movement of displacing human work are building a system that will control every facet of human existence. There is no moral or ethical restraint whatever. Universal Basic Income (UBI) is being positioned as the Technocrat solution, which will result in a permanent slave-class of humanity from which there will be no escape.

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Rappoport: When the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission Exposed Its Own Secret

Veteran journalist Jon Rappoport correctly nails the Trilateral Commission and its involvement in establishing the New International Economic Order (NIEO). I have documented this extensively in Trilaterals Over Washington, Vol. I and II  (Wood & Sutton, 1978-1981) and Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation. The intended NIEO was Technocracy, which we now see taking the world by storm.

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Time-Tested Economic Theory Being Thrown Under The Bus

As Technocracy and its Green Economy encroaches on Capitalism and Free Enterprise, traditional economic models are being forever corrupted with non-economic factors. Traditional economic analysis depends on factual historical data. Green Economic analysis factors in unknown and unprovable climate change factors. The result will be absolute gibberish.

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Amazon Go Getting Ready To Roll Out Cashierless Store

You will walk in, walk out, get billed and go home with stuff. Amazon will have collected massive psychographic information about  you. What items did you look at? How long did you stare? Did you read the ingredients? Did you frown or smile? Just see what awaits you when you go shopping again... ads, coupons, verbal encouragements, etc. Go home to your computer and start browsing - watch what ads appear onscreen. This is far from humorous and portends a Scientific Dictatorship from which there is no escape.

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FDA Approves First Digital Pill For Behavior Modification

As one Technocrat physician stated, "“When patients don’t adhere to lifestyle or medications that are prescribed for them, there are really substantive consequences". Healthcare enters a new phase as treatment is delivered by enforceable drug regimens. Physicians will be mandated to use digital drugs or face censure or dismissal. Physicians are already subject to "Evidence-Based Medicine" (EBM) where treatments are mandated from above, with penalties for non-compliance. 

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China Spied On Trump’s Every Move During State Visit

Being a full-fledged Technocracy, China's Technocrats know how to surveille, spy, hack, data mine and identify better than any nation on earth. Their entire spy network was pointedly focused on President Trump's visit to 'negotiate' with Chairman Xi.

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