Search Results for AGENDA 2030

Our Common Agenda: “Multilateralism With Teeth”

The UN'sOur Common Agenda is common to no one except themselves. It is propagandaized to stampede the world into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Key to their plan is the total digitalization of the entire world and the UN is morphing into its new post-reset form. This is a must-read article.

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The Transhuman Agenda Targets The Souls Of Mankind

All of the rhetoric surrounding transhumanism points to complete capture of one's soul - mind, will and emotions. Can the soul become a tradable commodity? A foretelling verse from the Bible lists tradable goods: "cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and bodies and souls of men.

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The Real Agenda Behind Vaccine Passports

The Technocrat mindset is this: What cannot be identified and monitored cannot be controlled. This is the main point of vaccine passports, which have nothing to do with controlling the spread of disease, but rather are about controlling YOU!

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WEF: Private Property And Privacy Will Vanish By 2030

The only economic system in the world that called for the abolition of private property is Technocracy, where resources would be held in a global common trust administrated by Technocrat scientists and engineers. The WEF's Great Reset is total annihilation of the status quo.

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Technocratic Agenda Dominates COVID-19 Panic

TN contributor Jacob Nordangård, PhD presents the view from Sweden in succinct detail with relevant historical perspective. Not surprisingly, the European perspective on Technocracy is no different than that in America. 

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German Greens: Ban Cars From All City Centers By 2030

The Green agenda has taken on a life of its own and will not be stopped except by total defeat. The "ban cars from city centers" movement is now global in scope, including in American cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles.

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The World Pants After UN’s New Urban Agenda

The UN's drive to transform cities into hubs of Sustainable Development (aka Technocracy) is global in nature and the world's 193 nations are fully supportive. Thus far, the U.S. offers little resistance.

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Green New Deal Reveals The Naked Truth Of Agenda 21

For decades, Tom and I have been ridiculed for exposing Agenda 21, but now that it is exposed in its full dis-glory and radical un-splendor, thanks to AOC and the Green New Deal, the shoe is now on the other foot.

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