Search Results for china

Technocrats In China Introduce Anal Swabs To Test For COVID

Given the recent testing of sewer systems for the presence of COVID-19, it was just a matter of time and opportunity before scientists in China decided to go to the source for samples, namely, your anus. If wearing a face mask is seen as humiliating, just wait until these come to America.

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Biological Warfare: China Already Collects DNA Profiles Of Americans

China is engaging in the most pervasive and dangerous form of eugenics ever seen in human history. By controlling specific DNA changes through engineered viruses, its biological warfare programs could intentionally wipe out hundreds of millions of humans.

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China 2021: The State Of Surveillance

China will have 560 million facial recognition cameras by 2021, having increased by 70 percent since 2015. By 2018, this is one camera per 4.1 citizens; by comparison, the U.S. has one camera per 4.6 citizens.

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Is China Running Big Tech In America?

China is the most oppressive and censored Technocracy in the world, and it is wholly dedicated to the "Science of Social Engineering". Its tentacles into America have been routinely identified and then routinely censored. China's most important hooks, however, are in Big Tech itself.

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