Search Results for transhumanism

Four Billionaire Technocrats Are Creating An Alternate, Autocratic Reality

On your short-list for books this year: The End of Reality:How Four Billionaires are Selling a Fantasy Future of the Metaverse, Mars, and Crypto. Author Jonathan Taplin strikes the hammer to nail Technocracy and Transhumanism to the prime actors: Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Marc Andreessen. These billionaires represent the tip of the spear. 

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Central Bank Gold Demand Soars To New All-Time High

The largest gold holdings of the top six Central Banks in the world are, in tonnes: US (6,133), Germany (3,352), Italy (2,451), France (2,436), Russian Federation (2,329) and China (2,113). The UK only has 310 tonnes of gold but China is expected to keep another 2-3,000 tonnes of gold off its official books, potentially making it the largest holder in the world.

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Aussie Intel Agency Funds Research To Merge Human Brain Cells With AI

Pure Transhumanism is on display here. Even though research scientists perform the work, it is funded by intelligence agencies and the military, both arms of the government and part of the industrial/military complex that Dwight Eisenhower warned the west about in the 1950s.

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‘Leap Forward’: Scientists Discover Way To Control DNA With Electricity

According to the study, bridging analog DNA with digital/electrical stimulation paves the way for “wearable-based electro-controlled gene expression with the potential to connect medical interventions to an internet of the body or the internet of things.” This is an outcome of NBIC/Convergent science, the Holy Grail of Transhumanism.

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The Great De-Banking: Global, Draconian And Devastating

As I wrote in my book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, the global banking cartel has risen to the surface as the real driver of globalization, Technocracy and the "Great Reset". In 1973, commercial banks populated the ranks of organizations like the Trilateral Commission. In 2023. they have been replaced by the central banks themselves. 

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Woe To Humans: How AI Is Dehumanizing Humanity

The evil twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism are conjoined in purpose to decrease the human population on planet earth, and to micromanage those lucky enough to live in a scientific dictatorship. This is now well documented on multiple fronts in today's world. The result is that humanness is being disintegrated.

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Technocracy’s Control Matrix Starts And Stops With BIS, Central Banks

In my book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, the chapter "Who Is Driving This Train" definitively concludes that the central banks, with the BIS sitting at the apex, are the primary forces behind the hoaxes of global warming and the pandemic. Why hoaxes? To drive the world into full-blown Technocracy and away from capitalism and free market economics.

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Hohmann: NWO Control Grid starts with the Connectivity of Everything

The late Rosa Koire stated about Agenda 21: “It is the blueprint, the comprehensive plan of action for the 21st century to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all law enforcement, all health care, all food, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.”

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Is The Next Wuhan Biolab At Colorado State University In Fort Collins?

When I wrote The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, some objected that the cover picture was too evil looking. Let me assure you that the evilness of true evil is just getting started, as evidenced by this shocking story about yet another gain-of-function biolab is being constructed in the West. There is much more to this story, to be revealed in coming days and weeks.

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The Transhumans’ Billion-Dollar Quest For Immortality

The fact that thousands of genetic and medical scientists around the world are working feverishly to cure the "disease" of death should tell us that this isn't just a fad. Public money funds universities. Billionaires like Elon Musk, Peter Theil and Jeff Bezos are investing heavily. Transhumanism is here to stay and it is gaining power and influence over traditional science.

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