Search Results for ukraine

German Government Worried About Bank Runs, “Aggressive Discontent” Ahead of Energy Shortage

Germans depend on cash and cash banking machines to get it into their pockets. During a energy blackout, the bank machines don't work. Now, put two and two together here and figure out just how dangerous and outright destructive climate alarmist energy policies are. Germany could literally be reduced to a "Mad Max" movie scenario within a few days.

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Food Imports: Poor Countries On The Brink Of Crisis

The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sounds a warning over a problem it caused in the first place, namely food disruption. How? By talking nations into restricting nitrogen fertilizer to grow bountiful crops. This idiotic policy literally destroyed Sri Lanka and threatens many others who cannot pay for high priced imports. Technocrats seldom see the cause-and-effect of their short-sighted policies.

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Some Europeans Are Waking Up To Lunacy Of “Ideology-Driven” Energy Crisis

It may be too little, too late, but some European politicians are waking up to the fact that a politician-hating fifth column of environmental ideologues have taken them for a ride into energy oblivion. Killing energy kills people, disrupts societies, destroys trust between government and people, etc.

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UN Seeks Control Over Agriculture, Blames For Global Warming

World famine is all but guaranteed as the UN blames farming and ranching for over one-third of so-called greenhouse gas emissions, and then seeks to impose policies to limit those emissions. Restricting farming and ranching reduces life-sustaining food needed to keep humans from going extinct. The UN is trying to refocus an existing $18 trillion investment into solving the food problem.

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COVID Dictators Nervous Over Retaliation, Plead For Amnesty

The establishment journal, The Atlantic, outrageously pleads for amnesty over what many have labeled "Crimes Against Humanity". The COVID hoaxers are obviously running scared and fearing retaliation; this means they know they are guilty as sin and are trying to escape punishment. There will be no amnesty but there will be trials and full accountability.

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Perfect Storm Of Global Reset: It’s Raining Cats And Technocrats

The currently dominant class of Technocrats and Transhumanists must be so thoroughly rejected that they never get the upper hand in public policy again. They are pitted against government structures and the people they represent. This is a global issue, not just American. As such, they have declared war on humanity.

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Post-Putin: Russia’s Relation To Technocracy

No matter what the outcome of the Russia/Ukraine war, Technocracy and Technocrats will have an assertive role in Russia's future. Russia is already closely aligned with China, the largest Technocratic nation in the world. The West can protest evil China and Russia all it wants, but they intend to ultimately flip the entire world into Technocracy.

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Amidst Energy Crisis, Austria Seeks To Ban Oil And Coal Heaters In 2023

Austrian Sustainable Development alarmists are on a fools errand to freeze the country to death. Banning new installations of efficient oil or coal heating, they would complete ban it by 2030. When does the reality of cold, stiff bodies hit these people? Perhaps ignoring reality is actually an intentional part of the plan.

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‘Elon, The Everywhere’ Becomes A Threat To Political Structure

As a classic Technocrat, Elon Musk has no use for representative government, and the threat is starting to be felt in Washington. Musk believes he is always the genius in the room and that when you are always right, what is there to discuss? In the 1930s, Technocrats wanted to completely remove the political structure of America and appoint people like Musk to run everything.

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Is President Biden Intentionally Trying To Start WWIII?

The global geo-political landscape has deteriorated dramatically during the Biden Administration and the question must be asked: Is Biden intentionally trying to start WWIII? If so, it would continue the scorched earth policy of all those who want to "build back better" after the Great Reset.

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