Search Results for china

Police Robots Are Being Used For Social Distancing Control

If robots are being implemented elsewhere in the world to help police with enforcement of social distancing and face mask compliance, you can bet your bottom dollar that America will soon follow suit. Technocrats have an engineered answer for every conceivable problem.

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Cash Will Be The Biggest COVID-19 Casualty

[su_note note_color="#daf2fd" radius="2"]Currency to an economic system is like blood to your body. Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, wars against the cash of Free Enterprise in order to transition to Fintech and the new economic system.

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AI And Brain Scans Target American Schools

In 1934, the Technocracy movement categorized education as a "continental system of human conditioning." Today's Technocrats think in exactly the same way as they mold young brains into the predetermined image of model workers.

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