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Steve Hilton: ‘It’s The Tyranny Of The Technocrats’

Nationally-known journalist Steve Hilton has almost put together all the pieces of Technocracy when he asks, "Who are these people? What is this? It's not democracy. It's the tyranny of the technocrats.' Will someone please send him a copy of Technocracy: The Hard Road To World Order?

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Harvard: Using AI For Personalized Predictive Quarantine

If your predictive AI doesn't work with crime prevention, why not try it out on predictive quarantines instead? Harvard says all it needs is more data, where government "can certainly ramp up national health data gathering by creating or rolling out more comprehensive electronic medical records."

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Club Of Rome Calls For Green Reboot After Pandemic

The writers state that "we can use the science to design economies that will mitigate the threats of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pandemics." In fact, science has already designed such as system and it is called Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development.

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