Search Results for food

Oregon Senate Votes To Allow Dementia Patients To Be Starved to Death

One national talk show host stated that "Liberalism is a mental disorder", and that may not be far from the truth. Oregon has led the nation recently with outlandish regulations, laws, policies, etc. The sad part is that Portland and Eugene drive the craziness for the whole state, which is largely non-liberal.

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Colonizing Africa: Monsanto And Big Ag Criminalize Traditional Seed Exchanges

Monsanto and its very small handful of competitors are enforcing 'intellectual property rights' by criminalizing unauthorized distribution of their seeds. Farmers around the world are at the mercy of these giants to use their seeds only, and there is no escape for most. This is Technocracy at its worst, and near-total control over all food supply is demonic at the least. 

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