Search Results for food

Feudalism: Zambia’s Poorest Farmers Becoming ‘Squatters On Their Own Land”

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is a resource-based economic system designed to take resources away from individuals to put them into the hands of a few. Zambia has been opened up like a can of sardines, first by the United Nations and secondly by the multinational agricultural giants.

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Farmer Plows Own Field, Faces $2.8 Million Fine For No Permit

I have warned for years that the Federal government would assert its full authority under the Clean Water Act that cedes all water in the U.S. to the them: from rivers, marshes, swamps, mud flats, drainage, playas, underground rivers, etc. The Feds are making a test case out of this farmer, and if they win, food production in America will drop precipitously.

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Court Documents Reveal That Monsanto Hired Army Of Trolls To Kill Online Dissent

Monsanto's heavy-handed business tactics are legendary and they will do anything to protect their proprietary intellectual rights. Monsanto is defending against 50 lawsuits lodged against them in the U.S. District Court in California. First the hire an army of trolls to browbeat protesters then they hire an army of lawyers to defend themselves in court. However, it was preceded by an army of Technocrats who run the company in the first place.

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Lab-Grown Meat Will Hit Supermarket Shelves Soon

Technocrats invent because they can, not because there is any moral target in view. Ingesting any tampered or man-made food or drug should be thoroughly tested in a controlled population before releasing to the public. The medical industry has the worst track record of suppressing testing data and skipping testing altogether if it can get away with it. This company's founder and CEO is a medical doctor.

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Stephen Hawking’s Wisdom: ‘We Must Leave Earth’

The growing cult of "We must leave earth" is led by high-level science and tech moguls, like Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Ray Kurzweil, Peter Thiel, etc. Mars-lust apparently is not satisfied by anything short of actually going there. We should bid them all adieu in the hope that they will take up permanent residence there.

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Crazy Talk: Geoengineering Goes Mainstream At TED Conference, Stirs Controversy

Cooling the earth by blocking sunlight would drastically reduce food production, increase migration, regional conflicts and wars. Geoengineers have apparently fallen into the anti-human cult that has no regard for human life. They claim that they are 'saving' the world, but in fact, they will destroy it.

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Saudi Arabia Creates Vision 2030 To Plan For Sustainable Development

Islamic nations are stampeding to sustainable development and the green economy. Islam has a natural affinity for science and engineering, as well as autocratic forms of Technocracy. The so0called Golden Age of Islam from the 8th to the 16th centuries was primarily about the advancement of science.

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