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Love And Sex Robots: The Final Frontier Of Voluntary Human Extinction

This has to be said. The human race perpetuates because of biological reproduction, but history reveals every sort of sexual perversion imaginable. In spite of that, populations have increased. The post-modern perversion of having sex with robots or within virtual reality, removes all desire for human companionship. As Artificial Intelligence is blended with fantasy and faux flesh, the minds of men and women will be permanently rewired to prefer robot satisfaction. It will not be necessary to force such compliance, either; both men and women will gravitate to their own destruction like a moth is attracted to the flame. Technocrats invent because they can, not because it is smart.

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FDA Expands Use Of RU-486 Abortion Drug To 70 Days

Along with Congressional backpedaling on defunding Planned Parenthood, the FDA just announced that the fatal-to-fetus drug RU-486 will be available for women to terminate their pregnancies up to 70 days after their last menstrual cycle. Both are blatant agents of population control. If a pill can be taken to terminate an infant life, who is to say that a pill won't be used to terminate any other kind of undesirables like elders and the handicapped? In a Technocracy, life has no value and is meaningless because it is viewed only as a composition of chemicals.

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New World Disorder: Disintegration Stage Commences

This writer stated many times that the success of Technocracy depends upon the death of capitalism and free enterprise. Technocracy will never ascend because of its superior attraction, but rather because it is the only game in town. This is why it almost caught on in the 1930s in the depths of the Great Depression, but the economy recovered and people forgot about Technocracy.

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UN: Faced With ‘Clear Science, Real Threats’, Countries Must Remain Committed To Paris Agreement

The UN is desperately trying to keep the nations of the world in line and committed to the Paris Climate Agreement of December 2015. Sentiment is slipping because of real science that is debunking the pseudo-science of global warming. However, the UN well knows that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will eventually believe it.

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The Future Of Warfare: Mini-Nukes And Mosquito-Like Robot Weapons

The future of warfare will be decided by technology-crazed Technocrats who invent because they can, not because they need to. Now that an global arms-race has broken out, there is no way to stop the oneupmanship competition to get smaller, more clever and more deadly: Weaponized technology designed to kill humans.

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