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Pre-Emptive Cull: Scientists Discuss Chilling Ways To Stop A Zombie Outbreak

One might think this is a spoof article, but it is quite serious. The author, Joanna Verran, is a Professor of Microbiology at Manchester Metropolitan University. That anyone would even have such a discussion in this context, with such rampant speculation, is incredulous. We are not comforted by the suggestion of a pre-emptive cull of the population.

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UN Climate-Change Envoy Mary Robinson Smacks Germany, UK

Robinson is a member of "The Elders", a self-appointed group of busy-body elites who want to shepherd the global village. Thirty-three percent of The Elders are also past and current members of the Trilateral Commission, including Jimmy Carter, Ernesto Zedillo and Gro Harlem Brundtland.

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