Search Results for AGENDA 2030

Education Secretary DeVos Signs On To Globalist UN Education Agenda For U.S.

Technocracy's reach into the Trump Administration is deep and wide. The promise of dumping Common Core Education Standards and returning control to the states, has been abandoned in favor of piping directly into the United Nations globalist agenda, which is Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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UN’s New Urban Agenda In Latin America Calls For Paradigm Shift

The main outcome of Habitat III held in October 2016, was  "the adoption of the final New Urban Agenda (NUA) document as the new mandate for the development of cities and human settlements during the next 20 years." The U.N. is now meddling with Latin America to impose its Technocratic tyranny on unsuspecting city-dwellers.

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How The United Nations Puts Health At The Heart Of The New Urban Agenda

UN Technocrats say you can get healthy by walking and cycling and mitigate global warming at the same time. Micro-managing humans like a herd of cattle is not acceptable to those who are managed. This thinking must be rejected at all levels of society, starting with our own local communities.

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UN Panel Proposed ‘UN Urban’ To Supercharge New Urban Agenda

The UN fears that its new Habitat III/New Urban Agenda will quickly fall behind, prompting an even higher level of urgency and oversight. The New Urban Agenda will be the most direct driver of implementing Technocracy (aka Sustainable Development) on over 50% of the world's population.

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The Future Of Food: What Will We Eat In 2030?

Dietary scientists say you only need approximately one pound of meat per week to be 'sustainable.' The World Economic Forum (WEF) will gladly proscribe your exact and entire feeding regimen, and all you have to do is eat what they say.

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Life in 2030 Smart City Promises Utopia

Don't let the author's beauty distract you: This article posits Technocracy to the letter. She envisions being a part of the 'collective' where nothing is owned and everything is shared. Is this the future you want?

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