Search Results for china

Chinese Virologist Whistleblower: China Made It, Turned It Loose

The testimony of Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan states that China made the COVID-19 virus and intentionally released it to cause harm to the rest of the world. Since China is a Technocracy, it is complicit in the goals of Technocracy, namely, the destruction of Capitalism and Free Enterprise.

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China’s Dystopian AI Development Incorporates Population Control

Anyone who thinks that AI learns by itself and is ethically neutral has bought the Technocrat lie. AI is just a computer algorithm programmed by humans to do what humans want it to do. Biases cannot be excluded. China's AI seeks to reduce global population and is being exported to other countries.

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China’s Cultural Assimilation Includes Forced Sterilization

Technocracy in China means total social engineering of their entire society, including minority outlier groups like the Uighurs. In addition to detention and re-education camps, forced sterilization and abortions are increasingly common, leading experts to call it "demographic genocide."

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Automated Warfare: China’s Deadly New Battlefield Robots

As a full-blown Technocracy, it is no surprise that China would engineer warfare with heavily-armed robots that can devastate a battlefield. The arms race to equal or better China is also in full-bloom in the U.S. and Russia. Technocrats build simply because they can. 

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Rappoport: China’s System Comes To America

Jon Rappoport correctly understands that the Great Panic of 2020 is not about sickness or saving lives. Rather, it is about the restructuring of everything, including transportation, social relationship, work, public events, etc. Nothing is left untouched.

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China Slashes Subsidies For Alternative Energy

China's Technocracy is taking major blows at every turn, and it appears that it will stop chasing windmills and solar farms. With crashing energy demand and falling prices on coal and oil, alternative energy has absolutely no economic justification.

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COVID-19 Spells Turning Point For China’s Technocracy

As a Technocracy, China's bumbling incompetence is being exposed. However, when people don't recognize that China IS a Technocracy, then it's all for nothing and Technocrats will sail on undisturbed. This is why is it critical to understand Technocracy in the first place.

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