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When Technocrats Sunk Their Claws Into President Donald Trump And He Rolled Over

It is inconceivable that this editor missed former President Trump's Executive Order EO 13887 on September 19, 2019, titled Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States To Promote National Security and Public Health. Since then, it apparently has been swept under the carpet, virtually scrubbed from the Internet. Nevertheless, I found it, and this changes everything about Trump's role in the biggest health fiasco in our nation's existence.

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Only In China: Like A Giant Ant Farm Housing 30,000 Humans

The ultimate Smart City. Sustainable living. Agenda  21-style "stack 'em and pack 'em." An experiment in peak efficiency. The "Science of Social Engineering" run amok. Technocrats in China lost their shirt with this huge luxury hotel, so they carved it into tiny apartments to maximize revenue and house as many as 30,000 residents. Some will be born there and never leave.

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Wave To The Satellite That Is Taking Your Picture From Space

Why would Bill Gates want to fund a company that builds a new class of satellites that can take high-resolution photos from space? Well, Technocrats of a feather, like birds, flock together. Their goal is to gain control over the environment, the physical world, and all of humanity. Albedo Space is cleared to use a 10-centimeter resolution, but they are looking for a higher resolution.

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Guilt Trip: Have A Baby And Kill The Environment?

When Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development, says that it wants to manage all resources in balance with nature, that includes you, too. So, pressure is applied on young couples to NOT have children to serve the "greater good" by saving the planet. Your selfishness might be appeased by financial indulgences of "carbon offsets" for the rest of your life. And you can also chuck God's first command to man to "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth."

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Government Funds AI Tools For Whole-Of-Internet Surveillance And Censorship

When I gave my 2024 Forecast last month, I said that the enemies of Free Speech are going nuclear and intend to wipe it out by the end of the year. Most of my readers can't see the magnitude of what this means, much less the role AI is playing in the hands of evil people. We need to scream "tsunami" to warn people that there is a 200-foot tidal wave of censorship about to hit and that it will be fatal.

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Goodbye Reality: Simulacrum Ushered In By Apple Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro highlights the dangers posed by blended reality goggles to literally re-wire your brain. Synthetic environments distort distance, disassociate your body in space and time, distort real objects, and create new ones. Your reality is manufactured by you and specific only to you, forfeiting shared reality by those around you. 

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Peer-Reviewed Study: mRNA Shots Killed 14 Times More People Than Were Saved

The study concludes, "For every life saved, there were nearly 14 times more deaths caused by the modified mRNA injections." A bio-terrorist couldn't do better. Now you know why I participated in the Crimes Against Humanity tour in 2022 and brought my studies on Technocracy and Transhumanism to the table; they were universally accepted.

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UofM Study: Your Urban Garden Has 6X Carbon Footprint Than Conventional Farming

The totally irrational war on carbon is already destroying farmers all over the world because, they say, "the food system generates about 35 percent of total global man-made greenhouse gas emissions." Now they are claiming that your urban garden is SIX TIMES WORSE! Brace for an all-out effort to ban or limit urban gardens for personal food production. I can already hear the climate crazies chanting, "Eat ze bugs!"

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Destroying America: United Nations Budgets Millions For U.S.-Bound Migrants In 2024

Trilateral Commission figurehead Peter Sutherland (1945-2018) should be jumping for joy in his grave. He spread illegal immigration as a way to destroy Europe, and the same policy was/is used against America. The Trilateral Commission has used the U.N. as a sledgehammer since 1974 when it adopted General Assembly Resolution 3201, establishing the "New International Economic Order."

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The WEF/WHO Says “Here Comes Disease X”

Mercola writes, "It’s quite clear that 'biosecurity' is the chosen means by which the globalist cabal intends to seize power over the world. I concur. Disease X is being spun as an unknown disease, but the WEF/WHO is sure it will be 22x worse than COVID-19. They do not know what they do not know, but they can say with certainty it will kill you faster. Or, they do know what they do know and are keeping from you. 

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