Search Results for ukraine

Italy’s Meloni Says Technocrats May Join New Government

Italy's Conservative PM Georgia Meloni will likely turn to Technocrats to fill key Cabinet posts. She was swept in on a populist campaign but is shifting to Technopopulism, a dangerous blend of populism and Technocracy. TN has warned about Technopopulism for several years.

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UN To EU: Don’t Dare To Return To Fossil Fuels Amid Energy Crisis

The UN is out to kill capitalism and return Europe to the dark ages just in time for the Great Reset. When Europe was invaded by Islamic immigrants, it made the same demand to not "renege" on their previous immigration quotas. In both cases, the UN started these policies and are now shaming countries that don't comply.

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The Controlled Demolition Of Europe

There are tectonic rumblings throughout Europe and there is no clear outcome just yet. Leaders and borders may change. However, it is clear that there is an orchestrated plan to deconstruct the existing world order to prepare for the "new", i.e., the WEF's Great Reset, aka Technocracy.

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Energy Crisis: Europe Faces Total Chaos As Forced Energy Rationing Begins

The contrived war in Ukraine has brought Europe's energy dependence to its knees, driving prices to the moon. Worse, there will be large pockets of population that have zero energy at any price. People will die and new riots will make the old ones look like a birthday party. Considering Biden's war on energy in the U.S., do  you wonder what he and his son, Hunter Biden, were doing in Ukraine in the first place?

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Vera Sharav: “Unless All Of Us Resist, ‘Never Again’ Is Now!”

Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, posted the full speech given by Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav. This is an epic warning to the world that if not heeded, will spell the end of the world as we have known it. The time to take action is not tomorrow, next month or when you get around to it. The time is NOW!

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‘Anything But A Cashless Society’: UK Consumers Defy Banks’ War On Cash

The more you resist plastic credit cards in favor of cash, you are contributing to the worldwide resistance against total bank control. While cash may be less convenient for some, it stymies global banks, central banks, the Bank for International Settlements and the World Economic Forum. Whenever you pay in cash, tell the receiver why you are doing so and encourage them to do the same.

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Zero Carbon Smart Grid: Spain Bans Air Conditioning Below 80 Degrees

Technocracy's control over energy is made possible by creating an artificial energy crisis and then using Smart Grid technology to control people and behavior. TN has warned about this for several years and yet almost everyone yawned and looked away. Now Spaniards, Italians, Germans, etc, are groaning, if not screaming, under the draconian energy lockdowns.

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Climate Cult Hammers Europe During Energy Crisis

There are three sides to the climate narrative: First, the loonies that run around as if crazy, screaming the sky is falling. Second, the government vice-grip that implements crushing policies. Third, the global elitists who plan and orchestrate the whole program. Reject them all and get a good night's sleep.

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Germany Hits Wall Of Reality, Reconnects First Coal Power Plant To Energy Grid

Germany drank the green Kool-Aid as they shut down traditional sources of energy, while fantasizing that windmills and solar panels could sustain their society. Now faced with massive energy shortages and the prospects of a very cold winter coming up, they are reconnecting a coal-fired power plant to the energy grid. Greens are up in arms and would apparently rather freeze to death.

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Hohmann: Saudi Arabia Slouching Toward Technocracy

The entire world is racing toward Technocracy, including the major religions. The Catholic church is already steeped in green ideology and sustainable development from the Pope down. China is already a Technocracy. It is not surprising that the Islamic world is following hard behind with plans to build the first fully-automated and controlled super-city in the middle of the desert. It is yet unclear if anyone will want to actually live there.

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