Search Results for china

The FBI Has Gone Rogue With Its Facial Recognition Systems

Technocrats at the FBI are driven to collect unending streams of data on any and all citizens. Any oversight or attempts to regulate are ignored or passively resisted. Other Intel agencies have followed the same pattern.  In the meantime, Americans are being corralled into a Total Surveillance Society scenario similar to China.

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Trump: 5G Rollout Is A Race ‘America Must Win’

The Trump Administration is fully behind the rapid implementation of 5G in America, despite the lack of safeguards and ethical discussions over its applications of Smart City technologies. In China, 5G is clearly being used to complete its Scientific Dictatorship over its citizens.

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Health Risk: Citizens Push Back On 5G Towers In Moraga, Calif

Cities potentially have significant clout to change the 5G landscape, but are typically too timid to do so. Most lay off decisions to Federal and State regulations. Meanwhile, 5G companies have become schoolyard bullies by threatening endless lawsuits.

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Breaking Up? Internet Imperiled By New Regulations

Nations are passing laws that conflict with other nations and the result will be 'nationalized data' similar to the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell's dystopian book, Nineteen Eighty Four. Further splintering of the Internet is inevitable.

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