Search Results for china

UNEP Chief Booted Over Excessively High Carbon Footprint

Of course, there is more to the story but basically the UN turned on its top environmental executive for globe-trotting and logging too many plane flights. The internal report said that his penchant for travel was “contrary to the ethos of carbon emission reduction”.

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Beijing Pioneering Citizens’ ‘Points’ System Critics Brand ‘Orwellian’

China's Social Credit System is being expanded to corporations as well. Americans simply don't understand the nature of Technocracy and how it is establishing Scientific Dictatorship. China's technology is being aggressively exported to other nations around the world, including to the United States.

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Green Bond Investments About As Useful As S&H Green Stamps

Eco-friendly bond investments are more costly to maintain and have no price advantage over traditional bonds, yet they claimed to be are "the natural home for environmental, social and governance investing." Mainly, they assuage the conscience of corporate issuers to prove they are "green".

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Facial Recognition In Retail Stores: Are Shoppers Ready For It?

Retail stores are planning opt-in facial recognition in return for giving you shopping rewards. Thus, your biometric data as well as your buying history will be available for sale to the highest bidder. When combined with data from other stores, the data-hungry Technocrats will know more about you than you know about yourself.

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