The Genesis of Modern Globalization (1978-1979)


This is the unabridged, original text of the first 16 issues of the Trilateral Observer newsletter, published between 1978-1979. It represents the last unpublished works of Antony C. Sutton and Patrick M. Wood. Our work on the Trilateral Commission is foundational to understanding anything that has happened since 1973 when the organization was founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

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Preface by Patrick Wood (2024)

Professor Antony C. Sutton passed in 2002, and all of his research was unfortunately lost. Tragic. Throughout his career, he served as a professor of economics at UCLA and then as a research fellow at Stanford’s prestigious Hoover Institution on War, Peace & Revolution. At the time, he was considered to be the top scholar in the world on the transfer of technology from the West to the East. His works are legendary to this day.

Then, it all started to unravel for Sutton when he started researching the Trilateral Commission in 1976. By then, his colleagues at Hoover had already nicknamed him the “Hoover Vacuum Cleaner” for his tenacity in digging into a story; nothing escaped his attention. He was like Sherlock Holmes, who could demonstrably solve any mystery.

Hoover Institution was overseen by Stanford University, whose President happened to be David Packard (the co-founder of Hewlett-Packard) and a member of the Trilateral Commission. Packard knew that Sutton could not be stopped, so he was subsequently drummed out of Hoover before he got too deep into his exposé.

Subsequently, our chance meeting at a gold conference in New Orleans was fortuitous for me because I was also interested in the Trilateral Commission. Within thirty minutes of meeting, Sutton and I both knew we were sitting on the powder keg story of the century: THE BIRTH OF A PLOT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD.

I was a publisher, printer, and budding writer, and Sutton was a master, world-class researcher, and scholar.

For several years thereafter, Sutton was my Sherlock Holmes. I was his Watson.

Together, we exposed the Trilateral Commission, its members, and its nefarious plot to subvert all the world’s resources into their collective pockets.

We were censored at every turn. Our magnum opus, Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II, was ultimately banned by B. Dalton Bookseller as it sent a libelous letter to all its stores in the United States stating that “The publisher was out of business and the books were out of print.” A bald-faced lie. But it worked.

It crushed our book sales, my publishing business and, most importantly, our partnership that had brought all of this to light in the first place.

In 2017, I republished both volumes of Trilaterals Over Washington. I had to. That these rats had gotten away with this global heist for 40 years was untenable.

But there is more to the story

From 1978-1981, Sutton and I wrote and published a monthly subscription-based newsletter called Trilateral Observer (TO). TO provided the meat for Trilaterals Over Washington.

I have kept two Trilateral Observer master sets in their original binders on my bookshelf for 45 years. Considering the many times we moved, it is a miracle that they survived.

When I was recovering from a major stroke in August 2023, my two sons flew to Arizona to help out. My eldest son spotted the green and brown binders on the bookshelf and started reading. They said, “You know, Dad, you are sitting on an important piece of history here, and we think you should try to scan the text and publish it.” My youngest son brought the binders to the rebab facility and I started to pour over them.

It was like entering a time warp. I had literally forgotten more than I remembered! It came flooding over me. Holmes and Waston had cracked the case wide open, but our original notes – the diary of TO – were never published.

Until now. The unvarnished, raw text was later refined into Trilaterals Over Washington. Oh, the many gems it contains and the overlooked details.

The Modern Genesis of Globalization

Hereafter, I present the raw and unpublished scholarship of Professor Antony C. Sutton with the able assistance of Patrick M. Wood.

The unedited text that follows contains Trilateral Observer’s first sixteen issues, which were released from February 1978 through April 1979. I have only made minor changes to punctuation and misspellings. All bold and capital letters are in the original text. Bear in mind that a newsletter is stylistically different from journal articles or nonfiction books; indeed, it is more informal and straight off the cuff.

To be easily identified, the names of all Trilateral Commission members are in bold, “small caps” like this: David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

This work is hereby christened as The Genesis of Modern Globalism (1978-79), recounting our eyewitness testimony to the events as we experienced them.

Sutton and I nailed it back then. The validation is how far the Trilaterals went to destroy us. I have purposed in my mind to keep on nailing it today. This is a critical piece of history.

For all those who have listened to me drone on about the Trilateral Commission over the years, when you see it, you will never unsee it.

So, journey back with me to the year 1978 and see how little has changed even though everything has changed.

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About the Editor

Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.

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