Search Results for rockefeller

Technocracy: “The Science Of Social Engineering” And The End Of Debt

As more people are dancing around the topic of Technocracy, more pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Personally, I take original Technocracy at its word: First, it is the "science of social engineering," and second, "there will be no place for politics, politicians, finance or financiers." Political systems will vanish in favor of Technocratic control. If there is no private property, finance and financiers will also disappear. This is the meaning of Klaus Schwab's "you will own nothing" and rent everything.

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Flashback 1992: What The Washington Post Wrote About The Trilateral Commission

This sickening and scurrilous faux-expose of the Trilateral Commission talks about the "far-right" and "far-left" critics such as Lyndon LaRouche, Holly Sklar, and the rabidly anti-Semitic rag The Spotlight; but not single word about Antony Sutton and I, who provided the only authoritative analysis of the Trilateral Commission in the late 1970s.

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The Genesis of Modern Globalization (1978-1979)

This is the unabridged, original text of the first 16 issues of the Trilateral Observer newsletter, published between 1978-1979. It represents the last unpublished works of Antony C. Sutton and Patrick M. Wood. Our work on the Trilateral Commission is foundational to understanding anything that has happened since 1973 when the organization was founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Bill Gates & UN Behind “Digital Public Infrastructure” For Global Control

Bill Gates is an evil genius who clawed his way to the top by applying predatory business practices at Microsoft; a leopard doesn't change spots and now Gates wants to dominate the whole world by masterminding a global ID system. A master Technocrat, Gates follows the philosophy of early Technocracy.

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Australian Senate Approves Digital ID, America Is Next

The fifth requirement (out of seven) of historic Technocracy, as documented in the Technocracy Study Course in 1934, was "Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual."  This has been in play for NINETY YEARS, waiting for the technology to catch up. The modern perpetrators of this digital panopticon are not communists, socialists, or Marxists, but TECHNOCRATS.

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Car Mogul: ‘Manic Move To Electric Vehicles” Will Destroy the Auto Industry

Bernie Moreno knows the auto industry as the founder of one of the largest dealerships in the country. He sees the intentional decimation of the entire sector, with China being the main beneficiary. Members of the Trilateral Commission who built China in the first place are licking their chops as they see the approaching economic merger with that country and the final absorption of the U.S.

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The United Nations Is Stealing Your Future

You didn't want it. You didn't vote on it. You didn't give input on it. You don't dare to question it. The oracle of science as spoken. Technocrats have decided it all for you. With your public taxes. You will own nothing. Are you happy now? We should drop-kick these grifters and the U.N. headquarters into the Atlantic Ocean.

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Klaus Schwab On AI: “We Don’t Even Need Democratic Elections”

Klaus Schwab is not a Communist or a Fascist; he is both a Technocrat and a Transhumanist. No other labels apply. He wants to drive the entire world into Scientific Dictatorship. His imagination runs wild with visions of technological possibilities, where if he thinks it, it will somehow materialize. In short, Schwab is detached from reality and, like the Sirens of Crete, is beguiling all who will listen. 

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Flashback 2016: Technocracy Will Rise Out Of The Ashes Of Western Civilization

When I wrote this in 2016, it largely fell on deaf ears. Now, not so much. When former UN climate tzar Christiana Figueres said in 2015 that there was an intention, timetable, and action plan in place to kill capitalism, she meant it. She was speaking as a proxy for the Trilateral Commission. The immigration invasion continues to intensify to this day, and 2024 may be the target date for the murder of America.

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Technocracy: Critics Slam UN “Climate” Scientists’ Bid for Dictatorial Power

Alex Newman is in Dubai for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's COP28 meeting. I corresponded with him about the overall focus: "Save humanity from itself and carbon dioxide (CO2), known to scientists as the 'gas of life' despite being demonized as 'pollution by man-made global-warming theorists." This anti-human lunacy must stop!

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