Search Results for transhumanism

G20 Signs Declaration for International Vaccine Passport

It's not about health. It's about control. Absolute control. "Your papers, please." Anyone who does not want to receive mRNA-based injections that Pfizer admits was never tested for transmission of a virus, is grounded from international travel. Nations will the adopt the same passport for domestic travel on airplanes, trains, busses, automobiles.

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Stanford Professor Declares: “Academic Freedom Is Dead”

The lunatics are running the asylum and are obsessed with destroying everything they touch, including science itself. This is why the title of my new book is "The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism". Their policies and actions are anti-human, anti-civilization and anti-God. Dr. Jay is right: "Academic freedom is dead."

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6G, Internet Of Bodies: Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans

If you think 5G is bad, you won't want to know about 6G, which will introduce the Internet of Bodies (IoB), potentially tying all humans into a global "hive mind". Unproductive members who do nothing but consume "precious" resources, will be targeted for removal; the ultimate technocrat reasoning is that humans and all other resources are on the same level. Thus, cutting back on humans is no different than cutting down trees in the forest.

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Boom: Trilateral Commissioner Jeffrey Epstein’s Global Empire Of Corruption Revealed

Investigative writer Whitney Webb drills down into the dark global network of Jeffrey Epstein to expose how global elitists attempt to run the world. As a member of the Trilateral Commission, Epstein undoubtedly served his own interests but he became the go-to dungeon master of sexual blackmail that kept global leaders and operators in line. No, the infamous "black book" will likely never be released.

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Big Pharma Is Putting All Of Humanity At Risk Of Demographic Collapse

Stillbirths, vaginal hemorrhaging, miscarriages, preeclampsia, premature births, inability to conceive, reduced sperm count in men, etc., are reaching an existential tipping point and yet, Big Pharma, government and media continue to promote mRNA injections for pregnant women. With the refusal to stop this program, it is revealing itself as a major bioweapon attack on humanity.

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Technocracy: The Full Digitization of Everything, And Then Some

The world is sleep-walking into its own demise, driven by its own desire for convenience and self-indulgent addiction. The global trap is set, primed for the enslavement of humanity. Is this the future you want? Or do you want to reclaim your humanity and reject the Technocratic tyranny?

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Mercola: Technocracy’s Digital Dictatorship Is Ever So Close

Private companies that harvest unimaginable amounts of data from the Internet, sell that data to governments who in turn use it to spy on citizens. External data is not enough, however, so now the quest is for psychographic data about your state-of-mind and propensity for "wrong think". The corral gates are closing at an alarming rate, making escape increasingly difficult.

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WEF Strategy: Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers, New Champions

The World Economic Forum is creating a tsunami of activists and operatives who are brainwashed with the dogma of  Transhumanism and Technocracy, and preaching the gospel of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They march to the lyrics of Schwab's book, The Great Narrative. This is the largest and most widespread delusion in history.

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Hohmann: Technocrats Float Idea Of Digital Families To Plug Declining Population

The Beatles may have hit a prophetic chord with Yellow Submarine: "So we sailed up to the sun / Til we found the sea of green / And we lived beneath the waves / In our yellow submarine". Just hum a few bars and you will see what I mean. Technocrats and Transhumanists are increasingly living below the waves in a fantasyland that is more bizarre than Alice in Wonderland.

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Google Harnesses Quantum Computers That Speak ‘The Language Of Nature”

The head of Google's lab says, "Quantum mechanics is one of the best theories that we have today to experience nature. This is a computer that speaks the language of nature." This is a key development to advance Technocracy and Transhumanism, that seek to completely reengineer physical systems as well as humans themselves. Remaking the world at the hands of Google should set people's hair on fire.

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