Search Results for transhumanism

Hohmann: How Technocrats Use Cities To Create Digital Slaves

Prisoners of war are slaves when put into concentration camps. Modern cities are headed in that direction as ubiquitous surveillance and monitoring technology is merged into the human condition via implants, wearables and ingested sensors. Add to that the totally immersive Metaverse and you have a perfect recipe for outright slavery. 

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The Psychology And History Of Manipulation: 6 Lessons From The Master Of Propaganda

Propaganda is the hallmark of revolution and the world is awash in it. It is the Technocrat's tool to achieve the original call of Technocracy for the "Science of Social Engineering". If you don't understand the manipulative power and application of propaganda in today's world, then you don't understand anything about the advancement of Technocracy.

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Internet Of Bodies Means Total Control Over Your Body, Behavior, Actions

For over 15 years, I have repeatedly warned of the Technocrat goal to capture society through the Internet of Things and humans through the Internet of Bodies. Together, this is called the Internet of Everything and it will place censors in every conceivable place you can imagine. Whoever controls the data will control you.

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The Trilateral Commission’s Domination Of U.S. Science Policy

The former Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, is a member of the elitist Trilateral Commission and the biggest powerhouse in Washington, DC to direct taxpayer dollars into AI and transhuman research. Egregious conflicts of interest abound but nobody has the power to throw Schmidt and his gang of Transhumanists out of pubic policy.

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Mercola: Dismantling The Transhumanist Agenda

Transhumanism represents the "Great Reset" of humans in the same vein that Technocracy will reset the economic, social and governance of society. Hacking the human genome will have disastrous effects on our long-term survival. COVID injections based on mRNA represent the first major effort to artificially transform the human body into a dependent and controllable entity.

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Silicon Valley’s Transhuman Obsession Is Fundamentally Flawed

Silicon Valley is steeped in Transhuman ideology and focussed on its quest for human enhancement and eternal life. The problem is, their science of Transhumanism is cracked, in other words, it is bordering on "pseudo-science". Nevertheless, these are the people who are building the technology to run the world.

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The Transhuman Agenda Targets The Souls Of Mankind

All of the rhetoric surrounding transhumanism points to complete capture of one's soul - mind, will and emotions. Can the soul become a tradable commodity? A foretelling verse from the Bible lists tradable goods: "cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and bodies and souls of men.

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Warning: Controlling All Absolute Data About You Is Controlling You Absolutely

Technocracy clearly stated in 1934 that they intended to track all production and consumption, and to keep a detailed file on every person. Technocrats then slipped into Nazi Germany to collect all data on undesirables like Gypsies, blacks, invalids and Jews, and marched them all into concentration camps and gas chambers.

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