Search Results for transhumanism

Biodiversity: The Genetic Takeover Of All Living Things

The World Economic Forum’s self-declared “Great Reset” has two aspects: first, is the radical economic transformation promoted as Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy; second is the radical transformation of all living things, including humans, aka Transhumanism. The WEF’s own website speaks plainly about both.

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Patrick Wood To Testify Before The International Grand Jury, Court Of Public Opinion

Patrick Wood will be addressing the international Grand Jury, Court of Public Opinion on two consecutive Sundays: first (Feb. 22) on the intentional economic destruction caused by the orchestrated pandemic and secondly (Feb. 26) on eugenics and transhumanism. The livestream events and schedule can be accessed here.   

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Transhuman: Is Humanity 2.0 The New ‘Master Race’?

Over the next two years, I predict that the intersection of historical and modern research on Transhumanism will reveal a plethora of comparisons between modern Transhumanism and Hitler's Aryan "master race". What Hitler could not achieve with selective breeding, sterilizing and extermination, can now be easily achieved through gene editing.

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Technocrat-In-Charge: Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Narrative’ For The Global Borg

You will own nothing but  you won't be happy. You will also be assimilated into Schwab's version of the Borg, where implanted technology will make you a docile servant of the master race. Schwab is the undisputed champion and pied piper of Technocracy, leading the world into total Scientific Dictatorship and neo-Feudalism.

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What Drives The Mind Of A Technocrat?

Technocracy News & Trends has posted several articles over the years on the Technocrat mind, such as Mind of a Technocrat: The Post Human World and The Technocrat Mind: Pfizer's Unconscionable Crimes, Past and Present. Here is another writer trying to sort it out and it adds an fresh perspective.

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Pandora’s Box Opened: Swedes Adopt Implanted Chips As Vaccine Passports

The author rightly concludes, "Scientism is their faith. Technology is their sacrament. Their cult is a cyborg theocracy. Even if they rain fire from the sky with the press of a button, never bend the knee to their silicon gods." The evil twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism are both rooted in Scientism.

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Technocracy Was Born In US, Grew Up In China, Now Conquering The World

Propaganda and high-tech weapons of suppression are used in the U.S. to obscure the rise of Technocracy-based authoritarianism. As the world's first and largest model of Technocracy, China is guiding the narrative every step of the way. Columbia University originally crystallized early Technocracy in the 1930s, the Trilateral Commission fed it to China in the 1970s and now it is dominating us in the 2020s.

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Synthetic Life: Living, Reproducing Xenobots 3.0 Designed By AI

Technocrats invent because they can, not because there is a demonstrated need to do so. Synthetic life designed by AI is a holy grail of both Technocracy and Transhumanism, taking humanity closer to the Great Reset. It is not known what will happen when synthetic cells interact with organic tissue.

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David Stockman: Scientism is the New Road to Serfdom

Well-known economist David Stockman sounds a lot like Patrick Wood in Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation: "Today’s great threat to capitalist prosperity, personal liberty and constitutional government as we have known it is not Marxism, socialism or any other variant of traditional left-wing ideology." Scientism is the supporting philosophy of both Technocracy and Transhumanism.

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Progressive View Rejects Zuckerberg’s ‘Dehumanizing Vision’ Of A ‘Metaverse’

TN has always said that Technocracy exists outside of political confines and definitions. Thus, increasing numbers of writers from both progressive and conservative angles are identifying the threat of a "technology coup", "dehumanizing vision", the WEF's "Technocratic governance" and so on.

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