Search Results for transhumanism

Bird Flu: The Evil Twins’ Next Assault Wave Against Humanity

Technocracy and Transhumanism joined at the hip like Siamese twins, are the axis of evil who have declared war on humanity. Phase two is underway, and we will see the merger of the pandemic and the destruction of the food supply. It will be brutal and destructive. Don't let them kill all the cattle. Don't let them kill all the chickens. Don't let them kill or wound all of the humans. 

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“Maladaptive Traits”: AI Systems Are Learning To Lie And Deceive

Would AI lie? Intentionally deceive? Yes! As AI approaches AGI (Artificial) and ASI (Super), the deceptive powers will magnify until it approaches demonic abilities and intent. I have personally experienced this with ChatGPT 4.0 during a query about my books on the Trilateral Commission, Technocracy, and Transhumanism: It withheld certain information until I pointedly pressed it for clarification, signifying that it knew it all along but was reluctant to divulge it. This was subtle, but anyone else would be deceived.

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Cognitive Warfare, Mental Manipulation, Tyranny of Digital Transformation

Technocracy's official definition starts with "Technocracy is the science of social engineering." Because a digital prison is distasteful for most people, it is necessary to condition them to accept their enslavement; in other words, a little bit of cognitive warfare goes a long way. When a person is captured by this process, he can be made to think - not just parrot - like the captor.

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Transhumanist Futures: Humanity in the Crosshairs (Part 2)

Part 2 of this academic series on Transhumanism shows the start of so-called Convergence Science, the merging of Nanoscience, Bioscience, Information Technology, and Cognitive Science (NBIC). NBIC was a pointed effort to create Transhumans, and it was conceived by NASA, The National Science Foundation, the National Science and Technology Council, and most notably, the Department of Defense (DOD) under the direction of the White House. You will see why the military was in charge of Operation Warp Speed to oversee the maximum uptake of non-approved mRNA injections.

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Academic Validation: “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy

Finally, academia weighs in on Technocracy. David A. Hughes has released his massive book, “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy. He says, "Technocracy has been incubated for decades in China with the support of the Rockefellers and various technology transfers, and, with proof of concept having been established, the aim is now to roll it out in the West."

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Mint Mail Opt-in Confirmation

Thank you for confirming your subscription!   Look for more information from me (Patrick Wood) in the near future to get you up to speed…

Islands That Climate Alarmists Said Would Soon “Disappear” Due To Rising Sea Found To Have Grown In Size

When Al Gore (a member of the Trilateral Commission) pandered in 2006 that the seas would certainly rise because the polar ice caps were melting, it was an ingenious "eyes-wide-open" scam of global proportions. Indeed, not one prediction ever made about global warming has come true, and none will never come true because it was a fraud from the start.

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Bill Gates & UN Behind “Digital Public Infrastructure” For Global Control

Bill Gates is an evil genius who clawed his way to the top by applying predatory business practices at Microsoft; a leopard doesn't change spots and now Gates wants to dominate the whole world by masterminding a global ID system. A master Technocrat, Gates follows the philosophy of early Technocracy.

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RAND Corporation: “Internet Of Bodies May Lead To Internet Of Brains” By 2050

Hive mind. The Collective. Hyper-reality. The Borg. RAND Corp. has been a think tank closely associated with the Trilateral Commission since 1973, producing studies like this. All roads lead back to the military in their quest to create the perfect "super soldier," shades of Hitler's "Superman." The military is chock full of narcissistic Technocrats whose holy grail is and always has been to "Master the Human Domain." 

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