Search Results for transhumanism

Scientists Close To Controlling All Genetic Material On Earth

I have already detailed the plan to take over all genetic material on Earth that was hatched at the UNCED conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. "Designer Chromosomes" means a synthetically engineered free-for-all using material from different species. This is a huge breakthrough for the Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism. Evil, indeed.

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Technology As Tyrant: A Glimpse Into A Dystopian Technocratic World

This writer correctly makes the association between Technocracy and Transhumanism and how they hold the same mechanistic worldview about the utopian/dystopian future. This radical worldview clashes with over 95 percent of the people in the world and yet is every bit as tyrannical as anything seen in history.

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The Insidious Cult Of World Order Is Clearly Seen

Technocrats have always been careful to disguise their spiritual inclinations, but that doesn't mean they are devoid of belief; indeed, they all are a part of the "cult of world order," seeking to transform the physical planet and the people who live there, Think "Great Reset" and "Forth Industrial Revolution" as representing Technocracy and Transhumanism. 

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Peer-Reviewed Study: mRNA Shots Killed 14 Times More People Than Were Saved

The study concludes, "For every life saved, there were nearly 14 times more deaths caused by the modified mRNA injections." A bio-terrorist couldn't do better. Now you know why I participated in the Crimes Against Humanity tour in 2022 and brought my studies on Technocracy and Transhumanism to the table; they were universally accepted.

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Genetic Scientists Are Creating Health Doomsday For Humanity

Tampering with human mRNA and DNA is the height of arrogance by scientists who have no understanding of what they are doing, but now all humans are their guinea pigs. Studies show the COVID "vaccines" are causing prion disease, aka Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), subacute spongiform encephalopathy, or "Mad Cow Disease".

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The Great Taking: The Largest Criminal Heist In The History Of The World

I have stated for years that the resources of the world were being stolen from the nations and, hence, the people of the world. The mechanism for total social control is Technocracy. In The Evil Twins of Technocracy & Transhumanism, I clearly showed that the Central Banks were the perpetrators. The prop for this con was climate change. 

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The Technocracy Trilogy

This is everything that you will ever need to understand Technocracy from its genesis in the 1930s, to the Rockefeller connection in the 1970s, to its rebranding in the 1990s as Sustainable Development by the United Nations, to full-blown Scientific Dictatorship in the 2020s. Now that AI has emerged as the ultimate weapon of Technocracy, the end of reality as we have known it may be near.

The Emptiness Of The Transhumanist Ideal

Transhumanism and Technocracy present a mechanistic worldview that is devoid of humanness. Life is nothing other than the meaningless arrangement of atoms and chemical reactions. C.S. Lewis concluded in The Abolition of Man that the more man looks into nature with an eye to master and control it, the more man himself is taken captive by nature, resulting in his own demise.

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Spirit of the Antichrist – Volume Two

Volume One unveiled the Luciferian Conspiracy and exposed the plot of the global elite to roll out a New World Order. Satan’s earthly co-conspirators are…

Global “Holodomor” Ahead: The Intentional Destruction Of Agriculture

Dutch farmers and fishermen represent the "canary in the coal mine" in the battle to destroy agriculture worldwide. Everything that is happening there is being replicated in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and throughout Europe. Holodomor means "death by hunger," as was intentionally inflicted on Ukrainian peasants during 1932-33, killing at least 5 million. Now that a global Holodomor is forming, it should be as plain as your nose on your face.

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