Technological Book Burning

I wrote this earlier for Citizens For Free Speech, but with the intention of posting it here first.

Censorship is apparently as contagious as COVID-19 as more and more companies are engaging in a form of technological book burning. Instead of ordering people to bring their “evil” books to the middle of the street to build a bonfire, AI algorithms operate at blinding speed to make unwanted things, people or organizations just disappear.

America was founded on the basis of free exchange of ideas. This is why the First Amendment was placed at the top of the Bill of Rights. Communication of ideas is essential to the health of a Constitutional Republic.

The “free market” of ideas is able to sort itself out without anyone needing to tell us what is good or what is bad. Only tyrants find censorship to be a useful tool for destabilizing and destroying existing systems in order to create a different system pleasing to them but to no one else.

The depth of censorship in America is largely unrecognized. The usual culprits like Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are easily identified. But behind them are a myriad of lesser entities that are even worse.

Vimeo – This major video platform is now routinely vanishing videos that don’t support their chosen narrative

PayPal – This major payment platform is terminating users it doesn’t agree with, killing their finances and withholding funds for extended periods

Visa/Mastercard – These have also terminated services with clients it deems are spreading false information

Verizon – Just got caught deleting text messages sent by a large health freedom organization

U.S. Post Office – Delivering mail is no longer guaranteed as some customers are “slow-walked” and others experience packages gone missing

Internal Revenue Service – During the Obama Administration, the IRS blatantly denied non-profit permits to conservative groups and Tea Party organizations it didn’t agree with

Internet Service Providers – Are increasingly censoring websites, traffic and email

Government regulations – As governments invoke legislation to limit arbitrarily defined “hate speech”, ISPs and individual websites are forced to censor or be shut down.

The list goes on.

The point is that this tyranny of censorship and “book burning” has turned into a systemic malady that if not stopped, will eventually shred the fabric of any nation, including the United States. We are perilously close to that right now.

This is precisely why Citizens for Free Speech is so intently focussed on defending and supporting the First Amendment: its destruction is an existential threat to our nation. Without Free Speech and Freedom of the Press, the ability to protest will be null and void. Without the ability to protest, the evil forces of globalization with sweep our nation into the dustbin of history… forever.

Force must be met with force. None of this will stop because citizens “visualize peace” with the enemies of freedom and liberty. Nor will they respond to “Will you please stop what you are doing?”

Indeed, it is time for each and every American to become a vocal force in their own communities all across America. Speak up. Sound off. Persuade. Inform. Take leadership. Don’t wait.

About the Editor

Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.